Reviving the entertainment industry

Fast & Accurate Testing

Keep your Buisness Open

Solutions to Fit your Needs

PCR Testing

With over 75 years in the entertainment industry, we understand the importance & urgency of testing all employees to ensure their safety & health and have partnered with many businesses in the entertainment production field. To minimize downtime, our compliance logistics team has set up a unique flow for your enterprise. Our company owns multiple labs to ensure timely results & fast turnaround to keep productions on budget and on time. Reassuring employees and promoting safer workplaces, testing is here to help support your team’s physical and mental wellbeing. COVID-19 testing with Ananda can get your teams up and running safely again.

Personal dashboard to monitor total Positive/Negative or any other reporting needed

On-site production representative establishing testing basecamps & implements protocols at each chosen location or site

We Provide
Have a lot of Staff? The more employees you have the more staff we send to make sure we are in and out quickly.
If you think your organization would benefit from Ananda’s COVID-19 testing for business, then get in touch today to speak with one of our experts.
Our service is available at flexible times and dates. For more information, please contact us.

Contact Us

Contact Form

Please enter your information and one of our agents will contact you shortly.

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Date of test

Please select location.

Fill out Application Form and share your Order Number (ID#) with the attendant once you arrive at the location.

Please enter your information and one of our agents will contact you shortly.